Quality, Health & Safety –
Our Guarantee
PROXA applies quality management systems across all of its activities and operations, regardless of the country or continent we are working in. These stringent procedures are integrated into a single, all-encompassing management system for the organization and represent external, impartial proof of the compliance of PROXA’s quality, environmental, health and safety management systems.
This system provides our clients with the assurance that they will enjoy the best possible value and professional solutions from PROXA when addressing their water and waste water servicing requirements.
Environmental, social & corporate governance statement
Environmental, and social responsibility starts in our own backyard. At PROXA Australia, we have an ongoing commitment to achieving the principles of responsible environmental management, sustainability and protection of the natural environment, not only in our workplace, but across
the globe. We recognise the importance of ensuring that our activities, products and services are designed to protect and enhance the environment in the communities in which we operate, and our obligation to ensuring that our operations prevent potential adverse impact on the natural environment
or the local community. PROXA Australia has established a commitment towards this with the implementation of an Environmental Management Policy under the ECASS System AS/NZS ISO 14001 Certification.
PROXA Australia Pty Ltd is committed to the transparent, honest, and fair treatment of its employees, clients, suppliers and partners. We believe that honesty, fair trade, and open communication are paramount to the productivity of our people and our business relationships.
PROXA Australia Pty Ltd is committed to establishing and maintaining sustainable and mutually advantageous relationships with Indigenous communities wherever it operates and firmly believe that the development of positive long-term relationships with indigenous communities is necessary for our business success.