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At PROXA, our sustainability strategy is to create and maintain conditions under which humans and nature can co-exist in harmony.

We strive to promote social and economic growth through ensuring the availability and protection of water, materials and other resources essential to human health and the health of the environment. We also review alternative energy sources on all our designs and where possible, use equipment with more efficient energy consumption. In short, we believe that we have a responsibility to the planet, its people and a future.


PROXA applies quality management systems across all of its activities and operations, regardless of the country or continent we are working in. These stringent procedures are integrated into a single, all-encompassing management system for the organisation and represent external, impartial proof of the compliance of PROXA’s quality, environmental, health and safety management systems.

This system provides our clients with the assurance that they will enjoy the best possible value and professional solutions from PROXA when addressing their water and waste water servicing requirements.


PROXA provides comprehensive training programmes – not only within our own operations – but also as a service to our clients.

The courses we offer are structured at different levels and, where possible, are accredited by the relevant authorities. At an internal level, all PROXA staff members participate in ongoing training, coaching and mentorship initiatives to ensure they remain motivated and continue to competently meet the requirements expected of them in an ever-changing industry.

Corporate Social Responsibility

PROXA recognises our responsibility in terms of investing in the lives of individuals and communities in our area of operation.

We strive to make a meaningful difference to the lives of others. To maximise the effectiveness of our corporate social investment, we focus on uplifting and empowering the youth and on the reinvestment of financial benefits accrued during contracts into local communities, with the aim of stimulating local economic development opportunities or improving the quality of life of people in those communities.

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